We are committed husbands and intentional fathers impacting the marketplace & shaping culture.
Ever feel like you want to be a good provider…but ironically it’s happening at the expense of your family?
Maybe your marriage isn’t what it used to be…or you’re not as connected to your kids as you’d like.
Perhaps you’re not leading yourself in the way you envisioned…
Ever feel isolated?
Like you don’t have the right guys in your life to understand all the challenges you’re trying to navigate?
A man who leads himself well will prioritize his spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health. Investing in yourself pays unlimited dividends to lead others well.
A healthy marriage is the foundation to your success. A committed husband consistently invests in his marriage and pursues his wife for a deep, thriving relationship.
An intentional father is present and consistently loving. He leads with connection and influence to raise confident, healthy kids...who go onto become effective adults.
By NOT investing in yourself, your marriage and your family you're heading down the slippery slope toward an eventual train wreck.
Inaction and apathy could lead to divorce, estrangement from your kids, bankruptcy and a sad existence.
Will you hide in isolation, burn the candle at both ends and just hope it all changes?
Many men spend their lives building up a bank account only to come home to bankrupt relationships.
You were made to lead.
Stepping up to lead yourself, your marriage, your family and your professional endeavors is what you were made for.
Our culture seems to propose you can either be a good husband and father or a good provider. But not both.
It's time for a paradigm shift.
“…two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose. It is the principle in which you may borrow and use the education, the experience, the influence and perhaps the capital of other people in carrying out your own plans in life. It is the principle through which you may accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success.”
-Napoleon Hill
(Creator of the Mastermind Concept)
Author C.S. Lewis regularly surrounded himself with a group of author friends he called The Inklings. He attributed much of his success to the support of the group. J.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings series was also a part of The Inklings. The group encouraged Tolkien to finish the story when he was one step away from quitting. The power of the group's mutual support led to the completion of timeless classics we still enjoy today.
Benjamin Franklin created a group called the Junto where professional men would gather, share ideas and challenge each other. The ideas and inventions that stemmed from this group are still a part of our society today. The public hospital, lending library and volunteer fire department are all ideas that came from this group.
Who could you become if you had authentic relationships with men who truly understood you and the challenges you were facing in marriage, family and business?
Joining a Mastermind could be one of the most important steps you take as you pursue higher levels of success in your marriage, family and career.
We thrive in gangs, possess, tribes, platoons, squads, teams & battalions. Men were made to tackle life together.
You will be surrounded by a motivated, like-minded group of men that have your back and inspire growth.
I have pushed myself farther with their support than I would ever have on my own.
Steve R. - Texas
Within a few weeks I had a better vision of where I wanted to go with my company.
The Forge created a sense of accountability that kept me working towards my goals.
Justin P. - Michigan
If you want to be a better man, husband, father and professional then The Forge is the place you should be.
The power of a group of like minded people struggling together has been a great motivator to me.
Chris B. - Tennessee
Private Coaching & Mentorship
**Limited Space**
Transformational, personalized coaching relationship to elevate your self, marriage, parenting & business
Monthly exclusive 1-on-1 coaching call with co-founders
Private, Direct Access Texts and Calls to Co-Founders as Needed
1 US Domestic Retreat Annually (2-night minimum, airfare)
Monthly peer group mastermind workshop call with co-founders & elite members
Get on the same page with your wife, better yourself, connect with your family & elevate your business
The Forge 4 Mastermind Privileges
Limited space
Application required
1x/mo Interactive Video Mastermind Call w your own personal group of Like-minded Men, Facilitated by Forge Co-Founders
1x/mo Guest Speaker Interactive Call on the topics of Self Leadership, Marriage, Family & Business
Office Hours Periodically for open Q&A & discussions
Direct Feedback on your specific challenges and opportunities in Life, Family & Business
Guided Roadmaps for Success in Self Leadership, Marriage, Family & Business
Annual US Domestic Retreat (expenses addt'l)
Your own group of like-minded men who want to level up as leaders, husbands & fathers
Full Access to The Forge Library of Resources for Men
The Forge Mastermind, Insiders & Furnace is specifically for married men with children who are committed to becoming better husbands & fathers while pursuing excellence in their vocation and the best versions of themselves.
You may be a good fit if:
*You are guided by a high level of integrity.
*You have flexibility with your schedule.
*You are generous with your knowledge & experience.
*You regularly invest in your personal growth.
*You value the opportunity to learn from the perspectives and experiences of others.
If you don't desire growth, this isn't for you. We are not professional counselors. If you are experiencing a major crisis in your marriage or family, we suggest getting help from a licensed counselor or a pastor from your local church community. The Forge is fully aligned with Christian values and biblical teachings. If you are offended by either, The Forge is not a good fit for you.
An important part of our mission at The Forge to help husbands & fathers create more space to invest in their marriages and families. The last thing we want to do is take time away from your family. Our meetings and experiences are purposeful, focused and action-oriented. We won't burry you in content or busy work. Tangible results rather than time spent. That being said, if you want to experience results, you'll need to be committed to attending scheduled meetings/events.
Below are estimated time commitments for each service offering.
The Forge 4 Mastermind: (2-4 hours monthly)
*Two 60 min Forge 4 Mastermind calls monthly
*1 hr weekly engaging with other members in the group
*1 hr weekly taking action on what you're learning
The Forge Furnace: (34 hours monthly)
*One personalized coaching call with co-founders monthly
*One Forge Furnace Elite Mastermind 2hr call monthly
*One 3 day US Domestic Trip Retreat
*1-2 hrs of Collaboration & Connection with other members
*Putting in the dedicated work to becoming the husband your wife adores, the father your kids need, leader the world desires & man God created you for
When you join The Forge, you can expect to experience significant growth as a husband, father and professional. If you put the work in, consistently show up, engage with other members and take advantage of the resources offered, you can expect your experience in The Forge to be transformational. You will see significant positive changes in yourself, your marriage, your family and your success in business.
Private Coaching & Mentorship
**Limited Space**
Transformational, personalized coaching relationship to elevate your self, marriage, parenting & business
Monthly exclusive 1-on-1 coaching call with co-founders
Private, Direct Access Texts and Calls to Co-Founders as Needed
1 US Domestic Retreat Annually (2-night minimum, airfare)
Monthly peer group mastermind workshop call with co-founders & elite members
Get on the same page with your wife, better yourself, connect with your family & elevate your business
The Forge Insiders Mastermind Privileges
Limited space
Application required
1x/mo Interactive Video Mastermind Call w your own personal group of Like-minded Men, Facilitated by Forge Co-Founders
1x/mo Guest Speaker Interactive Call on the topics of Self Leadership, Marriage, Family & Business
Office Hours Periodically for open Q&A & discussions
Direct Feedback on your specific challenges and opportunities in Life, Family & Business
Guided Roadmaps for Success in Self Leadership, Marriage, Family & Business
Annual US Domestic Retreat (expenses addt'l)
Your own group of like-minded men who want to level up as leaders, husbands & fathers
Full Access to The Forge Library of Resources for Men
-Dale Carnegie